Friday, December 27, 2013

Home For The Holidays

This year my tiny little family and I did Christmas at HOME for the first time ever.

My wonderfully amazing boyfriend got us a tree a little after Thanksgiving, the first time we have ever had a tree above 3 feet tall and it was real too!!! We took a family trip to the store to get all the tree trimmings and the following night we made the house festive with our purchases. The tot decorated our old 3ft fake tree as he wished.

Story hour had a Popsicle stick ornament and holiday themed book, and he was happier than ever to paint for the first time.  Prince and I did all kinds of salt dough hand and foot ornament projects while jamming out to festive Christmas tunes. Since he loved painting so much off to target we went for some paints to decorate all his little feetie and hands he made family and friends. When your kid wakes up and says they want to do crafts that day, you can add that to the list of reasons why you love being a stay at home mom (pat on the back, mommy loves crafts)

There was plenty of Bonding time over oodles of Christmas movies,complete with cuddles. The Grinch and Polar Express were the most viewed over the days to come before the BIG DAY. The Saturday before Christmas is tradition for Grammie and Pop's annual family Christmas party and the whole family had a blast. Christmas eve day was full of baking and music in preparation for Santa's arrival followed by a tasty steak dinner for the 3 of us. We are doing Christmas at my mother in law's tomorrow, my uncle is visiting from out of state Tuesday, and Christmas at my mom's Wednesday. All of these moments help you step back from everything else you may have going on and really see how beautifully blessed you are in this life.

After our sweet angel settled in for the night on Christmas eve, my other half and I played elves. When all of our elf work was done we settled in on the couch with the tree lights on and watched movies before calling it a night. The baby was excited Christmas morning this year because he actually understands the holiday a little more this year than last and it was amazing seeing him tear through the paper and really appreciate each gift before moving on to the next package. We set up all his new toys and things and spent the entire day just enjoying one another. I made my first Christmas ham dinner, I've only made one other holiday meal before and that was Easter lamb. For the remainder of the night we just lazed around eating cookies watching Polar Express yet again, and reveling in the fabulous day we had. 

Hope everyone had a merry and blessed Christmas, I wish you all the happiness and health in the world

Saturday, December 21, 2013

two years, does not seem possible

It doesn't seem possible that in Lee's than a month my wonderful dose and I will have a two year old.
Everything seems so new,like the day I had hi. Yet,it's hard to remember a time when he wasn't around.
How does time stand still and move so fast at the same time?
How does the day he was born feel like ten minutes ago and ten years ago all at once?

These past almost two years have been the absolute best years of my existence.
I have been given the greatest gift of love and pure joy. Motherhood, to the most amazing, intelligent,adorable, sweet,wild, adventurous,curious, perfect precious little boy.
When I looked into his wide, bright eyes for the first time I could not get over the feeling that he was an old soul full of wisdom with a certain spark of life and boy, was I right! Now my baby is no longer an infant. He's a big boy who talks and jumps,runs,plays,can say how he feels,who's messy and sweet, and who pushes his limits.

He is the light of my life, and this is just the beginning of a lifelong journey for the three of us.

Friday, December 6, 2013


Men prefer meat, dogs like bones, you need to eat a cheeseburger, you're too thin......just a few statements that drive me completely and utterly bonkers.

This whole body shaming business has gotten way out of hand, since when is it everyone's responsibility to tell you how your body should look? I would never in my life tell someone they needed to loose weight (unless they are family and it is a health risk) or that men prefer skinny women over thicker women. So I do, expect the same amount of respect back.

From now on I will not let anyone make me feel inferior for my lack of super sexy curves, I won't put on pounds to please anyone. I will be proud of my figure, after gaining 70 lbs during my pregnancy and losing all of it I should not be ashamed of how good I look and feel.

I have packed on the good ol' Lbs for someone before and let me tell you my body hated me for it at almost 140 in college, I felt like a stuffed sausage and my joints killed me. My body enjoys being less than 120 and I'm most certainly good with that. I have never felt so healthy in my life.

As for those who don't think I eat, ask anyone who truly knows me and they will tell you flat out about my love of food, especially carbs and sweets. I have always been able to eat like man and stay quite thin. My family called me twiggy growing up, and I had no problems shoveling all of my food into myself and then finishing all the plates of whoever I was eating with. AND NO I DO NOT VOMIT!!!

And as for the whole men preferring meat and dogs wanting bones. All men like something different and my man finds me to be quite beautiful no matter my size. Ladies lets aspire to have men like us for more than just our curves or lack there of. And if that saying is true, I feel bad for the men that feel solely that way because they could be missing out on the love of their life over a jean size. PATHETIC.

We as women need to stop body shaming one another, we are setting the wrong tone for how we want a man to view us. We were made as special gifts and should act accordingly. No matter your size, color, shape, background, etc. We as women should lift others up, so they can be their best woman, instead of driving each other into the dirt, to be the "perfect" image of what some "man" wants.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Week Two Plus A Few Of Thankfulness

I am a little behind in week two of giving thanks. I went to my grandparents for the weekend, where get this!!!! They have NO Internet at all or decent cell service. It was so nice to spend the time with them and disconnect.
 That is why they again get the spot for day 9. I love being able to go back to their house and stay in my old bed, in my old room, and feel like I'm 6 all over again.
 Day 10. I am so thankful for mine and my family's health, gram has had plenty of health issues and always will but she is a trooper. My son has never been sick (knock on wood) and the rest of my family, myself included are doing well in the health department.
Day 11. I can not express how thankful I truly am to be a stay at home mom. It brings myself and my child such joy to spend that time together.
Day 12. I am thankful that my wonderful spouse finally got the opportunity to deploy to Antarctica, I am also thankful it is only a month and it has flown by.(he'll be home in less than a week)
Day 13. I am thankful for the 3 years I was a caregiver at a nursing home. It has taught me so many wonderful things and I enjoyed helping those who need it.
Day 14. I am thankful for books, they have a book on just about any topic or interest, they open up so many windows for the imagination and can completely transport you to another world.
Day 15. I am thankful my almost 2 year old is just about potty trained, big boy we come!!
Day 16. I am thankful for my son's god parents and their families, such wonderful people to have in his life.
Day 17. I am thankful for pictures, memories and stories that people can share (my greatgrandparent's love story for example)
Day 18.I am thankful for my OB and the hospital I chose to have my son, they gave great care and helped out a lot when I started having issues.
Day 19. I am thankful for having the ability to exercise and keep in shape.
Day 20.I am thankful for being chosen to be a Godmother in just a few short months.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Story Hour A Learning Experience For The Both Of Us

Every Thursday Prince and I head down to the local library for story hour, which involves a few books and a craft at the end. I knew this was going to be a great learning experience for my toddler, but I never thought it would be such a big learning experience for myself.

Obviously it is great for him children ranging in ages from newborn to 5 (sometimes older if school is off), this gives him tons of social interaction with plenty of different children. He is home with me all day and it was about time he got around some other kids. Thankfully my child loves books so getting him there is never an issue, getting him to sit still is something totally different. His favorite part is craft time, he tries to emulate his older peers and does 3/4 of his craft independently. He is thriving from going I see such a difference in his social behavior and how much he is learning and picking up from the other kids, especially after the craft is over and they play in the toy corner.

What I didn't realize is how much I needed this experience when we first started about 4 weeks ago. Story hour has been teaching me patience like crazzyyyy. I see myself getting frazzled sometimes when he just won't sit still and insists on running all over, I've learned (for the most part) LET IT GO!! He is fine, let him be, just keep an eye on him, the whole point of this was for learning and fun....and that's exactly what he's doing. And the other moms, THEY ARE encouraging and reassuring during those frazzled, anxiety filled moments where he just simply doesn't want to listen (normal for his age), asserting independence ( again, whole point of going) These moms and sometimes grandmothers are simply wonderful, I can't say it enough. The Librarian is amazing with the children and has never asked me to not have my child come back because of throwing a tantrum,she actually encourages us to keep coming, which I never would have expected.

 I have a great time just being around so many different moms, different ages, lifestyles, number of kids, stay at home, working in the home, working outside the home, strict parents, lax parents, even keel parents.
To us it doesn't matter about who breastfed or who didn't or what we let our kids do and eat and watch, it is about having a great outing with our sweet children and giving them the gift of early learning, making friendships, and hanging with other moms.

 I can honestly say we will continue going to story hour until it is time for preschool and maybe even pop in from time to time then as well. And I am so thankful for this wonderful experience with my child every Thursday as he makes his way to the car, joyfully talking about how much he loves his buddies, crafts, and books, at the library.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Christmas Time TO DO

This year I have a list of things I simply MUST (want) to do. Every year I make this list and it never seems to get done. I think the only thing that got crossed off in the last 2 years were Greeting Cards for the family.


1. make a gingerbread house
2. Bake as many Christmas cookies and treats as physically possible
3. Make Christmas decorations (felt ornaments, wreath, felt ginger people....things like that)
4. hand and footprint salt dough decorations of my sweet prince's hands and footsies.
5. Take tot to see Santa
6. Christmas Eve Mass
7. Make a delectable Christmas Brunch.
8. Get all of the shopping done before Christmas Eve ( I plan to internet shop this year)
9. Teach the kiddo the REAL story of Christmas ( lucky for me he's obsessed with the story of baby Jesus)
10. String cranberries
11. Drink tons of hot chocolate (marshmallows, peppermint sticks)
12. Get a TREE!!!!
13. Family photo (me, handsome, and tiny)
14. Photos of all of us with my grandparents and great grandmothers (baby's great grandparents and great great grandmothers)
15. Advent calendar

Aside from gift buying/giving, most of my plans consist of wonderful (in my opinion) memory making activities to look back on years from now. Family, memories, celebrating the birth of Jesus,spreading joy and cheer, is what the holiday spirit is all about. I refuse to let the commercialism and hustle and bustle prevent me from having a fantastic holiday season. What is on everyone else's to do list this year?

Friday, November 8, 2013

Week One Of Thankfulness

I don't normally do the whole whatever days of being thankful stuff, since I am thankful every day of the year, but with my other half not coming home until a couple days before Thanksgiving I thought it might be nice to remind myself in written form,and to keep me positive on the days I don't want to be.
 SOOOO here we go......

First I have to start with my grandparents, for without them I wouldn't have my wonderful mom and I would not be. They are my biggest fans, supporters, critics, and all around two of the most wonderful people I think this world has to offer. They have taught me so many wonderful things in life and have helped me through too many hard times to keep track of. They will always be my second home, always. They showed me that real love is possible and that I do deserve it. They have given me values and morals that we are now instilling in our own child. They are amazing.

Next, My lovely Mother who brought me into this world and has been such a strong and loving mother to my brother and I. She is truly a selfless being, and gives her time and energy to everyone. A woman who at times has wanted to cry but kept a cheerful personality and a warm smile upon her face. She has Been my best friend, my worst enemy (teenage years), the perfect grandparent to my wonderful son, and a great family member and friend to everyone that she knows. She is smart, resilient,forgiving, beautiful, tenderhearted, strong willed,and I am so thankful and grateful for her.

My super awesome brother, has the kindest most gentle soul of anybody I know, he loves his family and would do anything to make them feel safe. There was a time I wouldn't sleep in my own home (just couldn't do it), he helped me move out every single piece of furniture and helped paint so that I would feel more comfortable....he's that guy. I will always see him that way warm, gentle and protective.

Now onto my darling Christopher, who I could write a whole book on how thankful I am to have him in my life. He is the most amazing man in the world (I will always stand by that) The most perfect partner a woman could ask for and the most amazing father to our wonderful little boy. Did I mention he works his butt off so I can be a stay at home mom....super awesome points for that. He loves me unconditionally doesn't matter if I"m in a bad mood, look a mess, out of shape, or I have it all together and am dressed to the nines, hair and makeup done. I can't really say that I've had that in someone before, to love me so much for just being me.

My perfect, amazing, wonderful, fun smart, loving, super totally awesome cool son. You have changed my life in so many ways for the better. Everyday I am learning from you just as much if not more than you are from me. You and your daddy make me want to be a better woman every single day. You have given my life so much light and purpose. I love the little boy you are becoming and can't wait to see the man you will be someday. You completed my life the day I found out you were in my tummy. You have given me the greatest love in the world and I am thankful for you always.

My family and friends (who are like family) and all the wonderful new friends that Chris has introduced me too. What a splendid group of people who love to get together and do things.Who are there to help you in a bind. who treat our kid like he was their own. for laughter and fun. For watching good things happen in each other's lives. For the two fantastic people who are the prince's godparents and their families who are such a nice addition to ours. I am thankful for you everyday.

My Inlaws,are probably the best someone could wish for. They love me as if I were their own, and are so involved with our son. From meeting me in the hospital to hang out (false labor) to being their the day he was born and every day since then you rock...honestly you do.For letting us stay with you when Chris had to train for four months, thank you for being patient with your house being taken over by the two of us,we are so grateful to you for allowing us to stay.  To the aunts and uncles our son has on that side of the family, they are great and are so good with our little one.

so there you have it week one.....all of the wonderful people that I have in my life

Monday, November 4, 2013

2 Ingredient Cookies

If you are looking for an easy baking project for you and your tot....I HAVE FOUND IT!!
If you are health conscious about the sweet treats you give your kids.....I HAVE FOUND AN ANSWER!!

                                      2 INGREDIENT COOKIES!!!!
Seriously, just 2 super ripe bananas and 1 cup oatmeal
Tools needed, a bowl and a fork
Time needed? less than a half hour, including bake time.
My kiddo is obsessed with watching mommy cook, but being less than 2 years old really limits what we can do in the kitchen together.
I saw this recipe floating around pinterest on a health and fitness board and decided to give it a whirl.

So here is exactly what to do, put the 2 ripe bananas and 1 cup oats in a bowl while you preheat the oven to 350.
Next, mash the ingredients together until it is a cookie dough consistency (add in anything else you like, if you so choose)
Lastly, spoon onto a sprayed cookie sheet and bake for about 15 mins.

This was such a great activity with the little one he got to help all the way through until it was time to use the oven, and we had a BLAST!!!
Plus these cookies are GUILT FREE!! I do not feel bad eating them or having the kiddo eat them either.
OH!!! and how wonderful are these for mornings on the go, or snacks to pack for perfect in every way...... 2 THUMBS WAYYYY UP PINTEREST!!! You've once again rocked my mommy world.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Terrible Two's???

I have to admit my darling boyfriend was right...terrible two's are not so terrible at all. In fact they are quite magical.

Yes, there are days where my tot is super trying, and I have to admit most of those days I'm just exhausted anyway to begin with.

Every day I see this little individual asserting their independence, becoming his own person.
He has definite likes and dislikes now, which should be a good thing. They are starting to understand emotions such as the difference between mad and sad, hungry, tired and probably can voice some of those feelings to you. Mine can tell me he's mad, but he can't always explain why he is, and that people is where the tantrums come into play. They can't voice everything they want to and more times than not, that is the root of these so called "terrible two" tantrums.

I am so guilty of being upset with him when tantrums occur, but I need to remind myself (we all really should) that just like us they have good and bad days. Our toddlers can't tell us they are having a bad day, so it is our job as parents to really be in tune with our little loves and notice the difference between tantrums over snacks and an all day just cruddy mood.


I find this stage to be so far the most fun, we can go all over together and it not be a super stressful time. He started story hour at the local library and is making friends and doing crafts (cutest thing in the world) We read books for a good 2 hours a day and he loves them. He doesn't need me to watch over him 24/7 during play time, and most of the time doesn't let me play. His imagination is fantastic making beaches and oceans out of blankets on the floor for his pirate toys to have adventures. I seriously could go on for days about all the things I love during this stage and could make a list of three or less things that really are difficult for me.

We need to see that we are not bad parents, our two year olds are not terrible, and to enjoy this wonderful stage of learning and play with them as much as we can. fast do they grow......SUPER FAST.....ENJOY IT. and remember this is just a stage it will pass, then on to the next stage with its own growing pains.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

I'm dreaming of......

Don't get me wrong, I love our townhouse, I really do. It is spacious, and adorable, it has lots of updates, off street parking and I absolutely adore the community.

With all of that being said, I really do long for a house, a place that is truly ours. A nice house with plenty of land and no close neighbors. A place where what goes on in our home isn't heard by the people we share walls with and vice versa.

A place to grow with, remodel, have a garden, a trampoline, basketball hoop, a fire pit.. a big tree for a tree house. A yard of our own that we can freely play in and not worry about traffic. A place where I can open a backdoor and we can all go out in bathing suits or in my jammies in the morning to drink my coffee while the tot runs around. A place where my man and our boy can do father son activities and backyard camp outs.

While we believe home is wherever we are together, our ultimate goal/dream is to make a house our home.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

My Person

Thanks to last Thursday's episode of Glee, Rachel (Lea Michelle) found the perfect two word description of the man she loves: MY PERSON.
When asked to describe your love for your other half sometimes you have so many things to say, you can't spit anything out that quite describes it, but she did; and I have mine.

I'm not one to publicly gush, but I just can't help it.

The summer of 2010 I found my person. He is everything I didn't know I wanted and 100% just what I need. He is my complementary angle, my other half, my best friend, my love, the father of my child. He is my biggest supporter, my shoulder, my rock. He is home to me.

Never in a million years did I think someone could love me as much as he does and he has my heart forever.

Such a hard working, intelligent, handsome, caring, wonderful person; this doesn't mean we don't drive each other crazy or that we don't disagree, because we are human and we do. The key to that is to keep loving one another, and we do just that.

He is my comedian to my stiff type A, stick in the mud tendencies. He makes me light and I need that. He makes me want to be my better self. ( I say better because we always can improve) He has a way of making me feel like a silly child just when I need it most, and a way of telling me I'm being the biggest pain in the butt, I love him for both of those things.

He makes me see a Cabin with property and a porch with chairs. A yard that we play with our child( hopefully someday children) in, and have a swing set and camp fires. I see RV road trips after we become empty nesters. I see grandchildren, great grandchildren, us with gray hair and squishy tummies. I have never been able to picture one of those things, let alone all of them with a person, in my short, almost 24 years of life.

I am eternally grateful for the wonderful life he has given us and continues to want to give us.
I could go on for days but as Rachel said MY PERSON sometimes is all you can say to describe the so many wonderful, some indescribable things of that one person who has your heart for eternity.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

It's not ME.....It's YOU

If there are two things I have gotten irritated being told or asked on my journey into mommyhood, and the past almost 2 years of being a mother are...
Are you an anti feminist, don't you feel stuck in the 50's?
You have changed/you think you're better than certain people now.

Here is my answer to both, just to clear it up for everyone.

As far as being anti feminist or stuck in the ages of being screamed at/beaten for a less than perfect steak, you all should be ashamed of yourselves for asking. I thought the point of being a feminist was to fight for women's rights, and do as you feel best as women. Me being a stay at home mother/girlfriend is my life's joy, so no I do not feel oppressed, thanks for asking. Daycare is pricey, and no one could take care of our tot the way we do, so why wouldn't I want to do it. Taking care of my home and family brings me much happiness. I find it sad that when some people picture a homemaker, it is a woman who is scared of her man if the food isn't ready and she is waiting by the door slippers and drink in hand (although I've always loved that scene from Mary Poppins) OR they picture a woman so frazzled from taking care of everyone else she looks broken down and in ratty all are crazy....PERIOD. Our choice of me taking care of the home/baby works for us and we love it.

Now onto the horrendous you have changed, you think you're better than us statement.
DUH I have changed you idiots, I'm a parent now....I wasn't before. Being out at the bar or at a party doesn't really tickle my fancy. And PLEASE when you describe how things used to be, do understand I am highly offended that you make it seem like I was some sort of raving party animal out to the crack of dawn every night. Do remember I worked full time and only went out on the weekends, and not every one. Also I was DD countless times, so you're welcome for the rides home, it was my pleasure.
NO, I am not better than anyone I am only human, as are you. My priorities are different and my life is different.  I would hope that I am a better person today than I was yesterday, there is no growth without change. I don't really care for the person I was 4 years ago she was not me, she was someone trying to figure out where the old her went, and guess what ladies and gents, what you see now is who I really always was. We can part ways or you can like her. But I kind of really like the real me so I would hope people like her better too.

So it really isn't ME that is the problem, without a shadow of a doubt it is YOU

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

my favorite season is here, finally here in all its glory and I couldn't be happier.
I am obsessed with the season for so many reasons, basically all my favorite things involve this time of year.

These are a few of my favorite things (Julie Andrews voice)

Sweaters, leggings,jeans, boots/booties, scarves, jackets, basically any autumnal attire.
Hot beverages and soups have a way of hitting the spot and bringing such comfort.
The scenery, upstate New York is the most gorgeous this time of year.
My levels of motivation are always at their peak in the fall, so I do lots of fall cleaning, the way one would  spring clean.
The food: warm, cozy meals, squash, homemade breads, other delicious baked treats,you name it, I want to eat it.
Football and getting people together for football Sunday.
Pumpkin everything, it's cliche nowadays to like pumpkin but I don't give a darn, I love it.
The smell of the crisp air, dead leaves, cinnamon, baking, I seriously burn fall scented candles year round.
Pumpkin patches, corn mazes, Apple orchards, Halloween parties trick or treating.

What is your favorite season?
What do you love about fall or don't love about it?

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Being a put together mom.

For me being a "put together" mom is more important than some killer shoes and prim makeup.

It is showing my child that it is good to take pride in ones self.

 To me being put together means a tidy home, taking pride in your appearance, and taking pride in your possessions.
Granted I have gone out of the house a disheveled mess, who hasn't?
but if I have the time I like to put on a good outfit, do my hair and make up even if it is grocery shopping.
If I'm running around in  a cute pair of jeans and top or even a nice pair of yoga pants and tunic are good outfit choices for that occasion.
My appearance is important to me its the embellishment of my inward person.

My Tot is almost 2 so it is time to start raising him with some sense of pride in his belongings, being nice to books and crayons, taking care of toys.
It is also time to start letting him help brush his teeth, wash and dry his hands and face.
I even let him carry around a duster while I'm cleaning, a simple intro to chores.

It's called learning responsibility! and I LIKE that.
I want him to start helping with simple chores learning to be self sufficient.
I want to let him have choices during the day, it will help him make good decisions and help him become a "put together" man later on in life.

It's OK to be a mom trying to survive mommyhood, with your head high and makeup perfectly placed.
Remember self esteem is taught through not only praise (not babying) but observation as well.
Take personal pride in yourselves (inside and out), and your belongings, chances are your child will follow suit.

happy hump day ladies and gents :)

Friday, September 20, 2013

YUP....I'm THAT mom

I am that mom who brags any chance she gets.
So What?
I'm proud! I am overjoyed with my baby's thirst for learning. I love when his doctor tells me not only is he above average for height and weight, but is ahead of the curve on learning and development.
I can't wait to tell friends and family he knows hundreds of words, and says small sentences, he can count to ten, knows shapes like octagon,hexagon, and crescent.
I enjoy his imagination, his interest in everything, his ability to grasp any concept that is thrown at him.

I am that mom who is a die hard for routine.
He needs it, I need it, our family thrives off of it.
breakfast, nap, and bed, all happen within 30 minutes of our usual times.
He knows his routine and he likes it (that is important)
It drives me off the wall if his sleep schedule gets messed up, he's miserable and quite frankly I am too.

We are fairly strict about what he eats (we eat like he does for the most part)
He doesn't get juice, cookies, cakes, candy, ice cream or other desserts.
He doesn't feel left out, he's not a sad kid, he's happy and healthy so don't berate me for that choice.
I could care less if your kid eats gummy bears and milk for breakfast, DO WHAT WORKS FOR YOU.
He'd choose fresh fruit over candy any day of the week, We like that.

I'm hands on, every first anything, anything at all,  I WANT IN!!!
and believe me I'm there for it and will be when he goes to school too!
I don't go out very often without him, don't feel bad for me I like it.
WE WILL NEVER BE Out living it up more than we are home with our little prince.
We are not better than those who choose to get their spare time away, we get it, it's not for us, you're not wrong for wanting you time.
We do get nights off about once a month, that is good for us.

I expressed our minimal use of our child's face on social networks, It is something we believe for many different reasons, and we're sticking to it. Want to put up a picture of our cutie...ask, the worst we could say is no, print it out keep it forever. Want to see a picture of the totally rad tot, ask we will text you one or print one off.

Don't like the mom I am don't be my friend,My theory is what ever it is that makes you a happy functioning family....DO IT!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

From Runway to everyday, high fashion low budget

On the runways for fall 2013 you would have found nods to punk tartan, vinyl, chains, studs, spikes, biker jackets as well as beautiful feminine cotton candy pastels and an array of rainbow peacoats, quilted patterns,and masculine patterns and textures such as houndstooth. Even Turtle necks are back in for fall, as well as oxford shoes and mid century lines. My favorite of all fall runway favorites are the modest gowns designed by  Pucci,Roland Mauret, Dior and Stell Mcartney, to name a few Shout outs to Valentino, Preen, McQueen, Derek Lam, Givenchy, Cedric Charlier, Burberry and many many more for inspiring me to take some of these and find you bargain deals without skimping on style.These pieces are easy to use and incorporate in every busy mommy's wardrobe 

When all else fails go to target ladies and gents,  I found my whole list except for one item on their site. 

Oxford Shoes : $21.99 Xhileration
Animal print : $13.59 Merona
Quilted Leather: $24.99Mossimo
Houndstooth: $27.99 Merona Dress
Punk: On clearance for $10.48 Xhileration
Plaids/Pastels: On special for $15.00 Mossimo
Rainbow Array of Peacoats: 89.50 Delia's Devin Peacoat 

Monday, September 16, 2013

Working Hard On My First Fashion Piece

Doing research and taking notes, so I can have my first  Luxe-Bargain show down. I will be taking fall 2013  trends showing you a luxe (runway) version and then a Bargain (every day girl) version; which will show you where you can purchase and for how much.I hope to have it up tomorrow afternoon, can't wait to see what you all think

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Rainy Friday Evening

Yesterday Little Prince and I packed his batman back pack and headed off on a nice 1 hour drive to meet up with the girls for dinner. It was the perfect rainy evening. 4 ladies and a tot sharing a booth at Applebees. As I was sitting there with these women who I adore and my sweet baby admiring the crayons, and little toys, and the laughter at our table I was overjoyed. It is an amazing thing to get 4 women together all at different, yet similar stages in life, who can be happy, supportive, and uplifting towards one another. Though I haven't seen two of the three in months and the other in probably at least a year we sat at that table and none of us missed a beat. Last night I saw true friendship at its finest, and the best part.... My little guy got to see it.


Women often forget to be a friend in a real friendship, no jealousy, no tearing each other down, no one going behind the others back and causing harm. On the ride home I promised myself to make last night's event regular, even if it is once a month. You need those friendships in your life and you need to put the effort in to keep them. Friendship is so good for the soul. Seeing my friends start new chapters is good for the soul. Them supporting my new adventures are good for the soul.
How many of you have been re connecting, and or maintaining childhood freindships over the years?


Thursday, September 12, 2013

Getting to know me and hopefully some of you

Hey All :)
Let us start from the beginnning: Why I am choosing to blog? I was an avid writer in high school and in college, due to life just happening I stopped doing the one thing that released my emotions and rid me of stress. My gram who is my biggest fan and always will be really wanted me to get back into the swing of things. Here you go grammie I hope I will make you proud. 

I am a mommy of 1 toddler who is under the age of two, a girlfriend, friend and family member. I am almoosssttt 24 and am looking forward to my mid twenties. This blog is intended to be about my love of personal style, cooking delish healthy meals and living a healthy lifestyle, and most importantly my TRIUMPHS AND MISHAPS IN MOMMYHOOD, all while trying to look good doing it. 

OK! back to my toddler, you will more than likely never hear his name or see a picture, this is something my boyfriend and I carry through all of our social networks facebook being the most lax of any (gotta please the family). This does not mean I think anyone is wrong for choosing to have their adorable little mini them up on a site, we just do it for personal privacy reasons. I will talk about him on here, I promise. The little cutie is my whole world and I enjoy mommyhood more than anything else I have ever gotten to experience. 

I will try to keep this fun, light, and interesting as much as possible, also feel free to comment or email for topic suggestions, or your opinion on the topic that day. 
I will try my hardest to get at least 3 posts a week for the start (will probably be 2, I get busy, but we all get busy...right?) 

alrighty ladies and gents enough about me, lets get to know you