Tuesday, October 8, 2013

It's not ME.....It's YOU

If there are two things I have gotten irritated being told or asked on my journey into mommyhood, and the past almost 2 years of being a mother are...
Are you an anti feminist, don't you feel stuck in the 50's?
You have changed/you think you're better than certain people now.

Here is my answer to both, just to clear it up for everyone.

As far as being anti feminist or stuck in the ages of being screamed at/beaten for a less than perfect steak, you all should be ashamed of yourselves for asking. I thought the point of being a feminist was to fight for women's rights, and do as you feel best as women. Me being a stay at home mother/girlfriend is my life's joy, so no I do not feel oppressed, thanks for asking. Daycare is pricey, and no one could take care of our tot the way we do, so why wouldn't I want to do it. Taking care of my home and family brings me much happiness. I find it sad that when some people picture a homemaker, it is a woman who is scared of her man if the food isn't ready and she is waiting by the door slippers and drink in hand (although I've always loved that scene from Mary Poppins) OR they picture a woman so frazzled from taking care of everyone else she looks broken down and in ratty clothing....you all are crazy....PERIOD. Our choice of me taking care of the home/baby works for us and we love it.

Now onto the horrendous you have changed, you think you're better than us statement.
DUH I have changed you idiots, I'm a parent now....I wasn't before. Being out at the bar or at a party doesn't really tickle my fancy. And PLEASE when you describe how things used to be, do understand I am highly offended that you make it seem like I was some sort of raving party animal out to the crack of dawn every night. Do remember I worked full time and only went out on the weekends, and not every one. Also I was DD countless times, so you're welcome for the rides home, it was my pleasure.
NO, I am not better than anyone I am only human, as are you. My priorities are different and my life is different.  I would hope that I am a better person today than I was yesterday, there is no growth without change. I don't really care for the person I was 4 years ago she was not me, she was someone trying to figure out where the old her went, and guess what ladies and gents, what you see now is who I really always was. We can part ways or you can like her. But I kind of really like the real me so I would hope people like her better too.

So it really isn't ME that is the problem, without a shadow of a doubt it is YOU

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