Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Being a put together mom.

For me being a "put together" mom is more important than some killer shoes and prim makeup.

It is showing my child that it is good to take pride in ones self.

 To me being put together means a tidy home, taking pride in your appearance, and taking pride in your possessions.
Granted I have gone out of the house a disheveled mess, who hasn't?
but if I have the time I like to put on a good outfit, do my hair and make up even if it is grocery shopping.
If I'm running around in  a cute pair of jeans and top or even a nice pair of yoga pants and tunic are good outfit choices for that occasion.
My appearance is important to me its the embellishment of my inward person.

My Tot is almost 2 so it is time to start raising him with some sense of pride in his belongings, being nice to books and crayons, taking care of toys.
It is also time to start letting him help brush his teeth, wash and dry his hands and face.
I even let him carry around a duster while I'm cleaning, a simple intro to chores.

It's called learning responsibility! and I LIKE that.
I want him to start helping with simple chores learning to be self sufficient.
I want to let him have choices during the day, it will help him make good decisions and help him become a "put together" man later on in life.

It's OK to be a mom trying to survive mommyhood, with your head high and makeup perfectly placed.
Remember self esteem is taught through not only praise (not babying) but observation as well.
Take personal pride in yourselves (inside and out), and your belongings, chances are your child will follow suit.

happy hump day ladies and gents :)

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