Friday, December 27, 2013

Home For The Holidays

This year my tiny little family and I did Christmas at HOME for the first time ever.

My wonderfully amazing boyfriend got us a tree a little after Thanksgiving, the first time we have ever had a tree above 3 feet tall and it was real too!!! We took a family trip to the store to get all the tree trimmings and the following night we made the house festive with our purchases. The tot decorated our old 3ft fake tree as he wished.

Story hour had a Popsicle stick ornament and holiday themed book, and he was happier than ever to paint for the first time.  Prince and I did all kinds of salt dough hand and foot ornament projects while jamming out to festive Christmas tunes. Since he loved painting so much off to target we went for some paints to decorate all his little feetie and hands he made family and friends. When your kid wakes up and says they want to do crafts that day, you can add that to the list of reasons why you love being a stay at home mom (pat on the back, mommy loves crafts)

There was plenty of Bonding time over oodles of Christmas movies,complete with cuddles. The Grinch and Polar Express were the most viewed over the days to come before the BIG DAY. The Saturday before Christmas is tradition for Grammie and Pop's annual family Christmas party and the whole family had a blast. Christmas eve day was full of baking and music in preparation for Santa's arrival followed by a tasty steak dinner for the 3 of us. We are doing Christmas at my mother in law's tomorrow, my uncle is visiting from out of state Tuesday, and Christmas at my mom's Wednesday. All of these moments help you step back from everything else you may have going on and really see how beautifully blessed you are in this life.

After our sweet angel settled in for the night on Christmas eve, my other half and I played elves. When all of our elf work was done we settled in on the couch with the tree lights on and watched movies before calling it a night. The baby was excited Christmas morning this year because he actually understands the holiday a little more this year than last and it was amazing seeing him tear through the paper and really appreciate each gift before moving on to the next package. We set up all his new toys and things and spent the entire day just enjoying one another. I made my first Christmas ham dinner, I've only made one other holiday meal before and that was Easter lamb. For the remainder of the night we just lazed around eating cookies watching Polar Express yet again, and reveling in the fabulous day we had. 

Hope everyone had a merry and blessed Christmas, I wish you all the happiness and health in the world

Saturday, December 21, 2013

two years, does not seem possible

It doesn't seem possible that in Lee's than a month my wonderful dose and I will have a two year old.
Everything seems so new,like the day I had hi. Yet,it's hard to remember a time when he wasn't around.
How does time stand still and move so fast at the same time?
How does the day he was born feel like ten minutes ago and ten years ago all at once?

These past almost two years have been the absolute best years of my existence.
I have been given the greatest gift of love and pure joy. Motherhood, to the most amazing, intelligent,adorable, sweet,wild, adventurous,curious, perfect precious little boy.
When I looked into his wide, bright eyes for the first time I could not get over the feeling that he was an old soul full of wisdom with a certain spark of life and boy, was I right! Now my baby is no longer an infant. He's a big boy who talks and jumps,runs,plays,can say how he feels,who's messy and sweet, and who pushes his limits.

He is the light of my life, and this is just the beginning of a lifelong journey for the three of us.

Friday, December 6, 2013


Men prefer meat, dogs like bones, you need to eat a cheeseburger, you're too thin......just a few statements that drive me completely and utterly bonkers.

This whole body shaming business has gotten way out of hand, since when is it everyone's responsibility to tell you how your body should look? I would never in my life tell someone they needed to loose weight (unless they are family and it is a health risk) or that men prefer skinny women over thicker women. So I do, expect the same amount of respect back.

From now on I will not let anyone make me feel inferior for my lack of super sexy curves, I won't put on pounds to please anyone. I will be proud of my figure, after gaining 70 lbs during my pregnancy and losing all of it I should not be ashamed of how good I look and feel.

I have packed on the good ol' Lbs for someone before and let me tell you my body hated me for it at almost 140 in college, I felt like a stuffed sausage and my joints killed me. My body enjoys being less than 120 and I'm most certainly good with that. I have never felt so healthy in my life.

As for those who don't think I eat, ask anyone who truly knows me and they will tell you flat out about my love of food, especially carbs and sweets. I have always been able to eat like man and stay quite thin. My family called me twiggy growing up, and I had no problems shoveling all of my food into myself and then finishing all the plates of whoever I was eating with. AND NO I DO NOT VOMIT!!!

And as for the whole men preferring meat and dogs wanting bones. All men like something different and my man finds me to be quite beautiful no matter my size. Ladies lets aspire to have men like us for more than just our curves or lack there of. And if that saying is true, I feel bad for the men that feel solely that way because they could be missing out on the love of their life over a jean size. PATHETIC.

We as women need to stop body shaming one another, we are setting the wrong tone for how we want a man to view us. We were made as special gifts and should act accordingly. No matter your size, color, shape, background, etc. We as women should lift others up, so they can be their best woman, instead of driving each other into the dirt, to be the "perfect" image of what some "man" wants.